Case Studies Archive | Sprout Social Sprout Social offers a suite of <a href="/features/" class="fw-bold">social media solutions</a> that supports organizations and agencies in extending their reach, amplifying their brands and creating real connections with their audiences. Fri, 03 May 2024 21:15:24 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Case Studies Archive | Sprout Social 32 32 International hotel chain Minor Hotels uses Sprout to boost its online presence Mon, 29 Apr 2024 17:16:53 +0000 Minor Hotels is an international hotel owner, operator and investor from Bangkok, Thailand, with a portfolio of over 550 hotels in 55 countries spread Read more...

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Minor Hotels is an international hotel owner, operator and investor from Bangkok, Thailand, with a portfolio of over 550 hotels in 55 countries spread across Asia Pacific, the Middle East, Africa, the Indian Ocean, Europe and the Americas. When Acharee Punyashthiti joined the company six years ago as Assistant Director of Social Media and Advertising, the team had little to no insights into how their social media efforts were performing—whether their campaigns were resonating or bringing in new customers for their hotels.

According to Acharee, it took them at least two days to manually collate and extract information from their social media campaigns. This meant they could only report monthly, making it difficult to establish informed key performance indicators (KPIs) or measure progress swiftly. Acharee knew that they needed to start making investments in their social media efforts.

“Social media has become more and more important as a channel as compared to before. We see social media as playing a key role in our business and how we communicate,” she said.

Manual reporting was acceptable in the early days when they had fewer hotels to manage. But with Minor Hotels growing significantly in the past few years, and real-time insights becoming even more important as the travel and tourism industry becomes more competitive, Acharee needed a solution that could keep up with the times. Specifically, a tool that would help them derive more insights from their campaigns more frequently and manage the growing number of social media accounts they handle.

The company started testing out various social media platforms to boost its online presence and measure its growth and performance. But ultimately, Acharee and her team decided to use Sprout Social in 2020—here’s why.

Social media content planning all in one place

For Acharee, one of the biggest draws of Sprout Social was its ability to streamline the company’s editorial operations. Sprout’s intuitive social media calendar allowed social media specialists to centralize their content, visualize and schedule their posts, and edit and track posts as needed.

Acharee also liked the collaborative aspect of Sprout. She’s able to see and review the social media calendars of various hotels and add notes directly. She can also pull up information on any account, at any time.

“In my role, I don’t just manage brand accounts, I also need to know how different regions or hotels are doing. So being able to have that visibility is critical,” Acharee said. “With Sprout, I can see which property I want to gather information about and review the specific goals and performance metrics for each.”

Sprout also enables social media managers to handle more accounts than before. According to Acharee, one social media specialist at Minor Hotels can now manage five to six accounts, which is about 10 to 12 social media profiles, when some could only manage two social media profiles before Sprout.

An image of the Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spa Instagram profile.

“City hotels like Anantara Siam Bangkok Hotel, which have around 16 social media channels, including Facebook and Instagram. So it’s almost impossible for our social media managers to manage the content natively. With Sprout, they can switch between profiles, schedule content, and pull reports from one place,” she said.

On-demand reporting, anytime, anywhere

Sprout’s reporting features allow businesses to parse through complex information and cut straight to the insights that can make a difference in their social media efforts. This is particularly useful for large organizations like Minor Hotels, which handles hundreds of brands, hotel chains and social media accounts.

“Every time we post content about a certain hotel, we add a Tag of the hotel code there. At the end of the month, we’re able to run a report and see how many times we mentioned a certain hotel and what other hotels might need more attention. So we’re able to allocate our social media resources more efficiently,” she said. “Before, we did this all by hand in Excel.”

Sprout’s competitor reports, in particular, have been useful to Acharee’s team. She said it allows them to “quickly understand our brand/page health, see how we are doing against our competitors, learn what works and what doesn’t, and then adapt our social media marketing strategy.”

An Instagram Reel highlighting Anantara Hotels' Anantara Insiders program.

Today, Acharee and her team have weekly or sometimes bi-weekly reporting meetings, which helps them monitor social media performance and inform business strategy. Sprout’s Listening tool allows them to identify top trends, topics and posts that are working for their competitors.

“To gauge how well we’re doing, we also need to understand how we stack up against our competitors. With Sprout’s reporting functions, we know where we stand,” Acharee said.

Because social media changes every day, we find the competitors we can pull directly from Sprout Social helps a lot. We can monitor timely social media trends, see what our competitors are doing and adjust our strategy accordingly.
Acharee Punyashthiti
Assistant Director, Social Media and Advertising

While these reports play a tactical role in Minor Hotel’s overarching strategy, the data gleaned from these reports contribute to the bigger picture of enticing consumers to choose Minor Hotels whenever they travel.

“Social media content, especially user-generated content, plays a very important role when clients or customers are planning a trip. So social media is very important for us in terms of inspiring people to book or share their experiences.”

Seamless integrations with existing software

Introducing new software into your existing operations—from training employees on the tool to integrating it into their daily workflows—is no easy task. Leaders also need to consider how new software will fit into their existing tech stack, and how that will impact their teams’ overall productivity.

This is why Sprout has multiple integrations with some of the most used software applications out there, including social media, business intelligence, lead generation and CRM, messaging, reputation and review management, social commerce, and more. This saves people from having to switch applications, needlessly downloading and uploading content, and changing up their workflows too much.

Instagram Reel promoting the new Avant Frankfurt hotel in Germany.

Because of Sprout’s multiple integration capabilities, Minor Hotels can streamline processes across the tools their team already uses regularly, including Canva, Google Analytics and Zendesk. The Zendesk integration in particular facilitates Minor Hotels’ ticketing system between the corporate office and various properties. Their customer contact center also uses this to respond to direct messages for Anantara and Avani brand accounts.

Sprout helps you work smarter, not harder

Acharee said that online presence plays an essential role in brand image and attracting customers for travel and tourism brands. She would recommend Sprout to other specialists who handle multiple social media channels. “Sprout will streamline your workflow to help you work smarter—not harder.”

To learn more about how Sprout can make your team more efficient and surface relevant insights faster, request a personalized demo today.

The post International hotel chain Minor Hotels uses Sprout to boost its online presence appeared first on Sprout Social.

How the Royal National Institute of Blind People found a dedicated accessibility partner in Sprout Fri, 02 Feb 2024 21:14:10 +0000 More than 2 million people in the UK live with sight loss, according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). The London-based Read more...

The post How the Royal National Institute of Blind People found a dedicated accessibility partner in Sprout appeared first on Sprout Social.

More than 2 million people in the UK live with sight loss, according to the Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB). The London-based charity, founded over 150 years ago, is committed to changing the world “so there are no barriers to people with sight loss.” A key part of RNIB’s mission is giving people with sight loss the help, support and tools they need to realize their aspirations. That includes its own staff members—like Social Media Officer Holly Tuke.

Tuke, who is blind, long wanted to build a career in communications. And when she found that opportunity at RNIB, an organization she’d been involved with for years as a volunteer, she was excited to support her community in a new and impactful way. “I am proud to be a blind person, and I want to play a part in making the world more accessible for blind and partially sighted people,” she said. “That was a driving force for me to take on my role at RNIB.”

Despite her passion and commitment, Tuke said she started questioning her career choice because she found social media management—a core pillar of her job—so challenging. That’s because the technology tools she used for those tasks weren’t accessible enough for someone with sight loss. Tuke’s frustration inspired an extensive search by RNIB to find a platform that could be accessed by all users, leading to the adoption of Sprout Social, which Tuke calls “a game changer.”

Sprout Social is a social media management tool that is accessible—and it has quite literally transformed some of the key areas of my job.
Holly Tuke
Social Media Officer

Positive feedback about accessibility prompts RNIB to put Sprout to the test

RNIB’s social media team, which includes Head of Social Media Becky C. Brynolf, weren’t sure if the tool that Tuke needed even existed—but they were determined to try to find it. “We want Holly to be happy in her job and to feel motivated,” said Brynolf. “She has amazing skills and absolutely should have a career in communications. We just needed to find the right tool to make her work not feel like a slog.”

Tuke underscored the impact of accessible technology on her job satisfaction—and her ability to do her work effectively. “When a tool isn’t accessible, it means that blind and partially sighted people can’t do those tasks independently, or it completely takes away our chance to do them at all,” she explained. “In short, it diminishes our experiences.”

The search for an accessible social media management platform took many months. “We met with multiple providers,” she said. “We’d say, ‘We’re interested in your tool, but how accessible is it? We’d like to put it to the test.’”

That testing process was deflating at times, according to Tuke, but it was also educational. “We found social media management tools that aren’t accessible in the slightest, some that are somewhere in the middle, and some that tick all the boxes,” she said. “The range of accessibility we found made me reflect on my own experiences of working in communications as a blind person.”

Tuke said the arduous testing process is what confirmed that Sprout was the tool that could “change the game” for her as a blind social media professional. She first learned about Sprout through social media and noticed that many people were commenting positively about Sprout’s accessibility.

Tuke and Brynolf said that Sprout’s commitment to accessibility and the conversations they had with Sprout’s dedicated accessibility team further convinced them that they had found the right partner.

“Other providers didn’t offer all that Sprout did,” said Tuke. “That really stood out to us. It told us that Sprout’s beliefs about accessibility align with our own. They genuinely care. And we appreciated that the accessibility team at Sprout was very open to our candid feedback and suggestions.”

I want people to know that even if they don’t have a person with sight loss on their social media team right now, if they have Sprout, they will be ready for when that day comes. They will be set up to make people feel like they belong.
Becky C. Brynolf
Head of Social Media

Jumping on trends faster and exploring ways to expand RNIB’s reach—with help from Sprout

RNIB adopted Sprout in July 2023, it wasn’t long before their whole team started realizing benefits from using the platform—especially in terms of timesaving and productivity.

“I’m probably saving up to three hours of work per day because of Sprout,” said Tuke. “One reason is that I no longer have to navigate an inaccessible platform. But it’s also because Sprout makes things easier. In our previous platform, I couldn’t tag messages or hide or like comments. These are simple things, but being able to do them in one place saves loads of time.”

Brynolf noted that she’s a big fan of Sprout’s Reports, including profile, post and tag reporting. “So much of our work before Sprout was manual, and the tool we used for monthly reporting was nightmarish,” Brynolf explained. “Now, we can just nip into Sprout and ask things like, ‘Show me everything we’ve posted for the last two years arranged by highest engagement.’ It saves us time but also helps us spot themes and trends and be more proactive with our content.”

The competitor report that Brynolf pulls monthly from Sprout helps her team understand how their efforts on social media compare with those of other charities that focus on sight loss or eye health. She also uses that report to track organizations committed to social change that are “bold in their approach” with content. Brynolf said those insights from Sprout are helping her team to work with RNIB’s leadership on defining what “bold” means for the charity and the audiences it wants to reach.

Timesaving with Sprout allows RNIB’s social media team to focus more on work that can help support the charity’s core mission and raise its profile. That includes creating more engaging and proactive content for RNIB followers on Facebook, Instagram and other leading platforms, capturing more user-generated content and collaborating with influencers. They are also starting to experiment more with Listening in Sprout to identify opportunities to expand RNIB’s audience.

Both Brynolf and Tuke credit Sprout’s Smart Inbox and its filtering tools as a critical factor in their team’s ability to be more efficient and effective at community management. That is becoming even more important as they have seen RNIB’s inbound messaging volume grow in 2023 from about 1,000 to 2,000 messages per month to between 3,000 and 4,000. They attribute that rise partly to their team’s ability to react faster to emerging trends.

“Accessibility was obviously the top priority when we were evaluating Sprout and other platforms,” said Brynolf. “But when it comes to community management, we found that Sprout’s Smart Inbox was the best of the bunch.”

Now that we use Sprout, I can go to work every day and truly enjoy what I do because I have the accessibility, freedom and independence to perform my job in the same way as my sighted peers.
Holly Tuke
Social Media Officer

To learn how Sprout Social can help your organization with its community management while creating a more accessible workplace for your social media team, request your free demo today.

The post How the Royal National Institute of Blind People found a dedicated accessibility partner in Sprout appeared first on Sprout Social.

How Sprout improved its global social customer care with its own insights Thu, 07 Dec 2023 00:37:38 +0000 Marketers and social media practitioners understand how critical it is for businesses to deliver swift and satisfying support to their customers. So, when they’re Read more...

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Marketers and social media practitioners understand how critical it is for businesses to deliver swift and satisfying support to their customers. So, when they’re the ones seeking support, they, of course, expect nothing less from their own customer experience. And for us at Sprout Social, these professionals are our key customers. We have ensured that we do all we can to provide them with best-in-class support.

To continuously build on our strengths and identify areas for improvement in how we provide customer care and support, the team at Sprout turns to our own social media management platform for insight. In late 2022, following an analysis of an Inbox Activity Report, we saw a clear opportunity to decrease our average time to action during targeted customer support hours—from 6 p.m. to 8 a.m. CT.

A screenshot of a post on Sprout Social's Threads account that reads, "If there was a Marketing version of #SpotifyWrapped based on brands you engaged with, what brand* would most definitely show up in yours?"

“The Inbox Activity Report, which provides a holistic view of our team’s social care efforts, breaks down by the hour when our average time to action is highest and lowest,” explained Christina Nelson, Program Manager. “That helped us to identify the exact time periods when our response time was higher than we preferred. Sprout’s own reporting data indicated we had an opportunity to expand our after-hours social coverage. We also wanted to ensure we had a team trained to provide that personalized support.”

Our aim is to meet customers in the moment, wherever they’re at, and say, ‘here is what you need.’ We want our customers to feel heard and taken care of.
Christina Nelson
Program Manager, Customer Support

Strengthening the bridge between customer and social support to improve

Sprout’s social media team, which includes Social Media Strategist Greg Rokisky, first identified a need to enhance social support during the targeted customer support hours after reviewing the response rate for messages that arrived in Sprout’s Smart Inbox during that period. These messages included time-sensitive requests from our international customer base. “We realized there was an opportunity for the social team to partner with our customer support team to improve the response rate,” said Rokisky.

Image description: Screenshot of Sprout Social's Instagram page featuring multiple posts in a grid.

Our customer support agents who work during the targeted customer support hours are located primarily in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) regions. Their core responsibilities include addressing customer requests for technical support and basic product education via email, live chat and the phone. Nelson said the team would always strive to address social support requests during their busy shifts, but it wasn’t easy to find the time given all of their other priorities.

An analysis of the Inbox Activity Report also showed that agents replying to social messages during the target hours weren’t always tagging those messages in a consistent way. Rokisky said that made it challenging for the social team to organize, track and use those messages in their reporting later and uncover opportunities to deepen relationships with our customers. Rokisky and his team sought to alleviate this issue by providing the agents with more guidance on best practices for tagging.

“We recognized that strengthening the bridge between customer support and social support could help us all to deliver the ‘trifecta’ of social customer care effectively,” said Rokisky. “When we can provide personalized, timely care and meet customers where they’re at, it helps turn our customers into brand advocates. That’s powerful, and it helps Sprout maintain our solid reputation.”

The insights we gained from Sprout’s Inbox Activity Report allowed us to pinpoint precise gaps in our social support. That allowed us to take a targeted approach to improvement that required minimal effort—but delivered dramatic results.
Greg Rokisky
Social Media Strategist

Using data insights to create a new staffing strategy for handling social support requests

With their key objectives in focus—decreasing response times, increasing the tag rate, and smoothing the handoff of customer messages between customer support and social support—the social team, customer support team and social leadership at Sprout brainstormed strategies to achieve those goals.

They decided to pilot a “tiger team”—a group of tenured customer support agents already working for Sprout during the targeted customer support hours who could pivot to social support requests at select intervals during their regular shifts. Nelson said they used insights from the Inbox Activity Report to create a staffing strategy for the team, identifying the best times for agents to go into Sprout’s Smart Inbox and handle requests for social support.

Screenshot of Inbox Activity report builder highlighted in Sprout app. Highlighted portion includes text "view key performance metrics for received messages and inbox actions"

Each agent on the tiger team now dedicates a percentage of their regular shift to managing social support messages. They also communicate expectations for agents handling those requests, including specific instructions for managing tags.

Setting those expectations and establishing centralized ownership for social support led to quick and dramatic results. For example, Sprout saw a 37% increase in our tag rate from December to March 2023. We also saw a decrease of up to 55% in the average time to action during some periods we were targeting for improvement. “We were able to hit these metrics despite some of the tiger team agents being new to providing support on social,” Nelson noted.

Rokisky and Nelson both pointed to how easy it was for the agents to learn to use Sprout’s Smart Inbox, and they cited it as a top factor for the impressive results achieved during the pilot. “We provided basic training to the agents before they took on their own shifts,” said Rokisky. “We spent about 30 to 45 minutes going over potential issues they might encounter and shadowing them as they went through messages in the inbox. That’s all they needed to get going. It was beautiful.”

Automated rules in the Smart Inbox, like closing out new follower notifications, also helps the customer support agents focus on the messages that matter most. “The agents can devote their attention to questions that require them to dig a little deeper and spend more time helping our customers, instead of getting bogged down answering numerous, easy questions,” said Nelson.

Consistent tagging generates more insights and stronger reporting

Based on the tiger team’s success, Sprout’s social and customer support teams are formalizing the pilot program into a permanent process. They are also continuing to track average time to action metrics to identify where and when they may need to consider expanding social support coverage further.

A screenshot of the Sprout brand account responding to a social media user. The original comment said: Very Timely Indeed! ghost emoji. Sprout responded with: No tricks, just treats for y'all! candy emoji.

The teams have also been working closely with Sprout’s Professional Services staff to identify more ways to deliver outstanding, consistent support to our customers worldwide, at any time. One result of that collaboration is a saved replies repository that the agents can use to customize responses to social support requests.

Sprout’s Smart Inbox is an invaluable tool for our customer support team. It provides one shared space where we can see everything that is coming in, what has been completed and what still needs to be done. That visibility reduces the need for us to ask anyone to hop on a call after their work hours to get everyone up to speed.
Christina Nelson
Program Manager, Customer Support

Another positive outcome of the pilot program was the opportunity to conduct a thorough tag audit. “We created and documented a shareable tagging infrastructure,” Rokisky said. “And now that we have agents providing consistent tagging around the clock, we can pull more comprehensive insights that can prove ROI to our leadership. That, in turn, is helping us to listen to our customers more effectively and respond to their needs more proactively.”

Rokisky and Nelson also noted that the success of the pilot program speaks to all the work their teams have done, in general, over the past several years to improve workflows, training, guidelines and more, as part of Sprout’s ongoing efforts to provide the swift, high-quality support that our customers around the world expect.

Find out how insights from Sprout Social can help your business deliver standout care and support to your customers at any hour, wherever they’re located, by requesting a free demo today.

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Salesforce’s social media team saves 12,000 hours in first year using Sprout Social Wed, 27 Sep 2023 17:48:13 +0000 Dreamforce is the flagship conference for Salesforce—and one of the world’s largest technology events. Held annually in San Francisco where Salesforce is based, Dreamforce Read more...

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Dreamforce is the flagship conference for Salesforce—and one of the world’s largest technology events. Held annually in San Francisco where Salesforce is based, Dreamforce attracts more than 40,000 in-person attendees and millions online. That includes tens of thousands of “Trailblazers,” brand advocates who are considered the “heart and soul” of the company because of their commitment to innovating with Salesforce.

Social media engagement is an essential piece of the Dreamforce experience and integral to Salesforce’s customer relationships year-round. So, in 2022, Salesforce made the enterprise-wide transition to a new social media management platform. The move to Sprout Social has paid off, according to Mikaely Quaranta, Senior Manager, Social Media Strategy, for the customer relationship management (CRM) software company.

“Sprout is such an intuitive platform,” Quaranta said. “Our social media practitioners were excited to jump onto Sprout and start using the Reports and Listening features right away. We were also confident going into Dreamforce because we knew that Sprout’s automation and workflow features would allow us to move at the speed of social during our biggest event of the year.”

Tracking trends and securing real-time approvals on the go

Marissa Kraines, Vice President and Global Head of Social Media at Salesforce, said social media plays an integral role in helping the company build excitement for Dreamforce.

“We want to bring the magic and conversation of Dreamforce to all our audiences on social media,” she explained. “First, we’re looking for ways to amplify the in-person experience through content and interactions across our social media channels. Second, we’re determining how to translate the nuances of the on-site event to the virtual and on-demand experiences.”

With Sprout, Kraines and her team can easily track mentions from conference attendees and other interested parties, including the media, as well as keep tabs on announcements happening online and offline during the event.

Social listening is especially important during events like Dreamforce. Sprout allows us to understand when our audience is online, when they want us to engage with them and how we can assist them throughout their conference experience. Sprout also helps us stay on top of trends and be more strategic with our planning.
Mikaely Quaranta
Senior Manager, Social Media Strategy

Sprout’s mobile app also quickly emerged as a crucial time-saving tool for the social team, according to Kraines. She said it helps them to get approvals from stakeholders for content and messaging “in real time—easily and concisely,” whether they’re running around at events or on the Salesforce campus.

Forging and fortifying one-to-one relationships with Salesforce’s greatest champions

Sprout’s reporting helps Salesforce stay close to what drives their audience engagement. “It’s so important to measure engagement to ensure we continue creating content our audience loves,” said Max Benesi, Salesforce’s Associate Manager, Social Media and Community. “With Sprout, we can do that quickly—reporting out at any time so we always know where things stand.”

Through social listening, analytics and other features in the Sprout platform, like Sprout’s Smart Inbox, Saleforce’s social media team is learning even more about the Trailblazer community, and how to engage with them effectively via the company’s 150+ social channels.

“We’ve learned that the best way to build relationships with our Trailblazers is through one-on-one engagements on social—and Sprout’s Smart Inbox helps us to accomplish that,” said Benesi.

Salesforce’s Trailblazers and other highly engaged social audience members are open to having Benesi and his team test-drive new content with them. “They’re very honest—they will tell us what they like and don’t like,” Benesi said. “We use their feedback to inform our content creation.”

With other social media management platforms that we’ve used, the reporting was not intuitive. We often had to pull reports natively and work with spreadsheets. When our team started using Sprout, all that manual work went away.
Max Benesi
Associate Manager, Social Media and Community

Accelerating speed to insights—and eliminating thousands of hours of manual work

The business intelligence Salesforce gains from using Sprout helps them evolve their marketing strategies far beyond specific events. “We can’t just make decisions on a hunch. We need accurate data to understand where we’re finding success,” said Kraines. “The insights we get from Sprout allow us to have confidence in our decision-making.”

Quaranta underscored further just how game-changing Sprout’s reporting capabilities have been for the social media practitioners at Salesforce. “We saw immediate value following our implementation,” she said. “We’re reporting faster, and in real time, and sharing information continuously with our stakeholders.”

She added, “We’re also moving 10 times faster per day with community management by using Sprout’s automation and workflows. That gives our team more time to focus on strategy and bring our creative vision to life—the things that we do best.”

“When my team is able to automate simple tasks, it enables them to take that bandwidth and focus it toward innovation,” said Kraines. “We’ve saved over 12,000 hours this year by using Sprout, and our team is having a lot more fun with their work.”

Making plans to leverage a 360-degree view of Salesforce’s social media audience

Kraines underscored that while Sprout is a valuable tool for tracking social media around events like Dreamforce, her team uses Sprout’s capabilities to help them deliver on their year-round mission to increase brand awareness. That means helping customers truly understand what the global CRM software and applications provider does, and how it impacts their businesses—as well as their customers.

“Salesforce is focused on helping businesses become ‘customer companies,’” said Kraines. “We provide them with a 360-degree view of their customers so they can bring those ‘wow’ moments to life. I believe that social is the bread and butter of delivering that 360-degree view of the customer.”

Looking ahead, Kraines said her team is eager to see what impact Sprout Social’s integration with Salesforce will have on how they craft social strategies and create new campaigns. “Sprout has already made it easier for the Salesforce social team to share insights with our leadership about what our customers are talking about, and what their needs and issues are,” she said. “This information helps to shape our company’s marketing, sales and operational strategies. And now, with Sprout’s integration across our platform, we can bring social insights and data everywhere across Salesforce.”

Kraines said her team is confident that Sprout is the right partner to help support Salesforce’s growing social media practice. “Sprout has great products,” she said. “But more importantly, they’re evolving and scaling along with our team. By partnering with us and listening to our input, Sprout allows us to be at the forefront of social media.”

I recommend Sprout to other social leaders because they have been such an amazing partner. When you’re onboarding a critical component of your Martech stack, it’s so important to have people alongside you who want to see you succeed.
Marissa Kraines
Vice President, Global Head of Social Media

To find out how your social media team can be more productive, free up time for innovation and never miss a moment to engage meaningfully with customers, request your free demo of Sprout Social today.

The post Salesforce’s social media team saves 12,000 hours in first year using Sprout Social appeared first on Sprout Social.

Edgio sees $126,000+ in earned media value with Employee Advocacy in just 3 months Wed, 23 Aug 2023 02:58:56 +0000 When you livestream a major event—whether it’s a pro football championship game or a king’s coronation—there’s a good chance that Edgio is the edge Read more...

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When you livestream a major event—whether it’s a pro football championship game or a king’s coronation—there’s a good chance that Edgio is the edge network supporting your fast, secure and friction-free experience. The same is true if you’re shopping online and enjoying instant page loads and dynamic content, or you’re immersed in a next-gen, fantasy sports gaming experience.

Edgio provides powerful solutions across web apps, content delivery and video streaming—servicing approximately 4% of global internet traffic and clients in 38 countries worldwide. While the company isn’t new, its brand name is. Previously known as Limelight Networks, Inc., the business rebranded in June 2022 following its acquisitions of Layer0 and of Yahoo’s Edgecast. What followed was a year of significant change for the company as they pivoted from a CDN vendor to an edge company providing applications and solutions that take advantage of their global edge network.

LinkedIn post from Edgio that announces that their event operations team has successfully managed over 180k live events since 2018.

When Lindsay Moran, Senior Manager, Content and Brand Strategy, joined Edgio in the summer of 2022, her challenge was to amplify the company’s new brand on social media with a strategy that could deliver results quickly and cost-effectively. Moran led the charge to implement Sprout Social’s Employee Advocacy platform, a decision that not only drove employee engagement, but helped the company generate $126,000+ in earned media value (EMV) in just three months after launching its advocacy program company-wide.

The extra reach from our employees—not paid advertising—is helping us grow our audiences on social. Our earned media value was over $126,000 in the first three months of our program
Lindsay Moran
Senior Manager, Content and Brand Strategy

Reinvigorating employee advocacy during a time of significant transformation

Before its rebranding, Edgio had tried to launch an employee advocacy program, but it did not gain much traction internally. Moran said she recognized that the time was right to try again after helping Edgio develop a host of new assets, from blogs to web content, to help the business “rebuild” its position as an industry thought leader. Delivering consistent messaging about the company’s products, solutions and brand across social media channels was also a priority.

LinkedIn post from Edgio announcing general availability of its applications platform with new performance and security features. Post was distributed via Employee Advocacy by Sprout Social

“Social media is a no-brainer for sharing this quality content,” said Moran. “We have small audiences on our key corporate social media channels, like LinkedIn, X and Facebook. But we knew we could amplify our reach by inspiring employees to use their personal networks to help promote our brand.”

Helping employees feel connected to our brand and aware of our news was also a top factor in the decision to reinvigorate employee advocacy at Edgio. “When merging companies and pivoting to new value-added capabilities for our customers, there’s a lot to share,” she said. “Employee advocacy is helping us stay abreast of all the good news and stay focused on the future by inspiring our employees to play a front-line role in telling our brand story.”

Employee advocacy needs to feel natural and authentic. What’s great about Sprout is that we can equip our employees with the content we want them to share, but they still have the opportunity to put their individual spin on it and make it their own.
Lindsay Moran
Senior Manager, Content and Brand Strategy

Impressive post-launch results that inspired a “happy dance”

To get the new employee advocacy program off to a successful start, Moran said she leaned on the team from Sprout to provide training to a select group of handpicked brand enthusiasts at Edgio who took part in a 30-day pilot program in February 2023. “It was a great experience,” Moran said. “Sprout let us record the pilot training session, and we’ve since turned it into an internal training tool for our new hires.”

She added, “The pilot program helped us to ensure we had plenty of content prepared going into our company-wide rollout of Sprout’s Employee Advocacy platform. And through a post-pilot survey, we gathered more valuable insights on how to make our program successful from the outset.”

Edgio officially introduced the new employee advocacy program to its workforce through a monthly sales awareness call and a companywide “EdgeTalks” presentation (Edgio’s version of a TED Talk). Moran said these forums were a vital way to communicate the “why” for the program clearly, and to offer a solid overview of program basics plus “tips and tricks” for users to make the most of employee advocacy.

Moran also emphasized that the “tremendous support” of Edgio’s Chief Marketing Officer, Nancy Maluso, who played no small part in helping to build momentum around the employee advocacy effort. “She continues to promote and encourage the program among our leadership teams,” Moran said.

With Sprout’s Reports, Moran tracks the impact of Edgio’s employee advocacy program and shares the results with employees to help them stay motivated “cheerleaders” for the brand.

Image of data points that reads "In three months since launching Employee Advocacy: 655% growth in impressions, 2.8K% growth in engagements, 102% Net audience growth 5k% increase in post-link clicks"


There’s been new business activity percolating at Edgio, too, which can be attributed to the company’s use of Employee Advocacy by Sprout. “During a recent team meeting, our sales leader in EMEA told us she’d received a lead from content shared through Advocacy,” said Moran. “I did a happy dance! It’s so exciting that we’re already starting to see fruit from our labor. It validates what we’re trying to do as a company, and why we’re working so hard to promote this program.”

Sprout makes it easy to jumpstart and grow employee advocacy

Moran said the employee advocacy program at Edgio is blooming, and the sales, marketing and customer success teams are particularly active in sharing content. But several product specialists and other subject matter experts have also become frequent users, and Moran said their outreach is particularly valuable for helping Edgio grow its reputation as an innovator.

“The ease of adopting a tool like Sprout helped our team embrace the new employee advocacy program quickly. After just the first month, the adoption rate was 34%,” Moran said. “Today, 20% of employees are active users, sharing content with their audiences more than three times per month, on average. Over time, I’d love to see our adoption rate hit 50%. That’s my aim.”

To learn more about how Employee Advocacy by Sprout can help amplify your brand’s social presence and engage your team—without spending more on paid promotion—request a demo today.

The post Edgio sees $126,000+ in earned media value with Employee Advocacy in just 3 months appeared first on Sprout Social.

Good connection: How Boingo Wireless seamlessly switched to Sprout Social Thu, 10 Aug 2023 13:01:50 +0000 Boingo Wireless is one of the world’s largest connectivity providers, deploying world-class cellular and Wi-Fi networks at iconic venues around the globe. The global Read more...

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Boingo Wireless is one of the world’s largest connectivity providers, deploying world-class cellular and Wi-Fi networks at iconic venues around the globe. The global company designs, builds and manages public and private networks to power connectivity at all types of high-trafficked venues—from airports and convention centers to stadiums, hospitals and military bases.

Boingo provides next-gen wireless solutions that enable smart connected environments and needed a seamless social media management tool to support its award-winning customer care team. Boingo, which uses Salesforce Service Cloud, was looking to automate the social media service ticketing process to properly tag items of priority and filter out unnecessary noise.

A screenshot of Boingo's website that features their tagline, "Boingo simplifies complex wireless challenges to connect people, business & things." The page also includes images of the different industries they serve.

“When I came across the integration between Sprout Social and Salesforce, it was just what we were looking for—a solution we could easily transition to because it was compatible with Salesforce,” said Susan Nordquist, Senior Manager, Business Systems, at Boingo Wireless.

The integration between Sprout Social and Salesforce Service Cloud is one of the most flexible integration packages I’ve seen. They get a gold star for the smart design—and for using as much native functionality as possible.
Susan Nordquist
Senior Manager, Business Systems

An opportunity to “spring clean” keywords

Nordquist, who describes her role at Boingo as part data architect and part systems architect, was keen to find a solution that would complement the company’s current workflow without taxing internal resources. The transition to Sprout Social presented an opportunity for Nordquist to make adjustments that would help ease the administrative burden.

A screenshot of a Tweet from Boingo Wireless that reads: "Join Boingo, SoFI Stadium and the Minnesota Twins at SEAT 2023. From 5G to AI, we'll cover what technologies are boosting revenue, streamlining operations and wowing fans. Consider tomorrow's session your go to for all things 5G and stadium tech. #SEAT2023

Nordquist said she made “spring cleaning” of keywords a high priority. The solution to cutting down the noise, Nordquist said, was to rethink how the team was using keywords and target handles instead. Through this refresh, its customer care service agents can focus on responding to messages from customers looking for assistance.

Tweet from Boingo is displayed captioned "Coast to coast and around the world, U.S. military bases are adopting base-wide wireless networks from Boingo to keep troops seamlessly connected. Read the lates from @AFCEA #Military"

And because agents don’t have to spend time weeding through a never-ending stream of messages, they have more time to focus on high-quality customer care initiatives. We have reduced the number of cases that are created from social media channels by 89%.

Sprout Social is a fully mature social media management platform with way more functionality than I ever knew anybody needed.
Susan Nordquist
Senior Manager, Business Systems

Making the transition to Sprout

Boingo’s transition to Sprout Social was “extremely easy,” according to Nordquist. And while Nordquist said she was initially concerned about how challenging it might be to move the customer care agents to a new solution, the training process went smoothly. Nordquist said the Sprout team has been responsive to requests for guidance—like walking her through the process of keyword cleanup—and for customizations to suit Boingo’s specific needs. “Sprout has been quick to incorporate our feedback,” she said. “Our current version of the package is really solid. It’s one of the best integration experiences I’ve ever had.”

I was very happy with the level of detail that Sprout delivered. It’s clear that they care about setting up their customers for success.
Susan Nordquist
Senior Manager, Business Systems

If you’d like to see for yourself how quick and easy it is to switch to Sprout Social, request a personalized demo.


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How drove 7x ROI in 3 months of using Employee Advocacy by Sprout Social Thu, 20 Jul 2023 17:59:17 +0000, an advertising success platform, is devoted to building the most relevant connections and maximizing relevance for its clients, including more than 2,000 agencies, Read more...

The post How drove 7x ROI in 3 months of using Employee Advocacy by Sprout Social appeared first on Sprout Social.

]]>, an advertising success platform, is devoted to building the most relevant connections and maximizing relevance for its clients, including more than 2,000 agencies, brands and media teams. In a typical month,’s programmatic advertising solutions and workflow software help more than 30,000 advertisers execute over 140,000 campaigns of all sizes and budgets across connected TV (CTV), mobile, display and other media types.

“We automate online advertising for our clients,” said Spencer Traver, Director of Content at “But unlike traditional demand-side platforms (DSPs), doesn’t lead with buying advertising on a segment basis. We’re built on our data management platform (DMP), so we can provide granular data—giving our clients plenty of targeting options and insights. For example, they can target audiences based on demographics, what content they’re reading online or what physical locations they visit.”

While helps advertisers take a data-driven approach to their campaigns to drive optimal performance, the advertising technology company is working to elevate its own online presence. In April 2023, it launched a major rebranding initiative—and a critical facet of that effort is an employee advocacy program supported by Sprout Social’s Employee Advocacy platform. According to Traver, since piloted the program in February, it has seen almost $90,000 in estimated earned media value (EMV).

Our employee advocacy has returned nearly $90,000 in Earned Media Value in just three months. That means we’re already 7x our ROI. So, communicating the value of our investment in the advocacy program internally has been straightforward.
Spencer Traver
Director of Content social post demonstrating company culture. The post reads: It's that time of year again—food truck season! loves to bring in food trucks every Wednesday once the weather heats up. The post features images of their employees standing in front of food trucks on a warm, sunny day.

Tapping employees to reintroduce a changed company with a unified brand message

Until recently, hadn’t prioritized its corporate social media strategy like it hoped to. But after making several acquisitions in the adtech space, the business decided it was time to elevate its online presence and internal processes to reintroduce as a transformed and unified brand.

“We aligned the launch of a new social media strategy with the brand transformation—and we moved quickly to get employee advocacy live a few months in advance,” said Traver. “Employee advocacy is an easy, interactive way to get people involved in sharing our story. We wanted to use it to help create a sense of belonging, internally, not just around the brand transformation, but as an evergreen effort moving forward.”

When Traver was evaluating technology to support’s employee advocacy program, he realized that Sprout would provide an obvious, cost-effective solution. has used the Sprout platform since 2015, primarily for social media management tasks such as scheduling and publishing. “It was easy for us to expand our use of Sprout to include Employee Advocacy,” said Traver. “But we also appreciated that it wouldn’t mean adding another external tool or training our staff to use a new system when it didn’t make sense.”

There’s a real sense of belonging that comes from having a platform for employees to access high-quality content that they can use to help tell our brand story. And Sprout makes the whole process so seamless. It makes you wonder, ‘Why doesn’t everybody do this?’
Spencer Traver
Director of Content

Forging a quick path to user adoption and ROI with Sprout

The results has seen since piloting Employee Advocacy speak to the ease of getting people on board with using Sprout’s platform. In addition to the 55% adoption rate achieved in the first quarter of the program, realized nearly $90,000 in estimated EMV.

Advocacy is also helping to build camaraderie and cohesiveness across the newly expanded workforce. The sales team is currently the most active on the platform, representing 53% of sharing activity, according to Traver. “Our potential reach from the sales department alone is at almost a million unique users because everyone has such large networks online,” he said, noting that the customer success and development teams are also highly engaged, as are some executives.

A screenshot of LinkedIn post by The caption reads: Who's ready for the weekend? We love capping the week off with a weekly happy hour at our HQ in Fort Worth! Three images of employees playing ski ball, tabletop shuffleboard and socializing at their HQ.

But what’s been especially interesting to watch, Traver said, is how enthusiastic employees retained from the previously acquired companies are about the employee advocacy rollout. “We told these employees that we hoped they would want to be a part of this effort, and some of them have become our most active participants,” he said.

What are the benefits of employee advocacy? You’re putting your brand in the marketplace more often and in more relevant places. You’re also taking your content a step further. But I think the real secret sauce is the connectedness it creates within your own company.
Spencer Traver
Director of Content

Monitoring growth to double down on audience engagement

Traver isn’t alone in tracking the performance of’s employee advocacy campaign. He works closely with Mackenzie Land, who joined the company’s marketing team in the fall of 2022 and took on the role of Social Media Coordinator in March 2023.

“Now that we have Mackenzie on the team, we can truly focus on executing a full social media strategy—including a robust video strategy, which we didn’t have before,” said Traver. He explained that as part of that work, he and Land keep a close eye on various metrics to track social media performance, including reach, impressions, audience growth rate, total engagements and engagement rates.

Land says one of the best parts of her job is using Sprout to track the growth in engagement rates and experimenting with other reports in Sprout, like Profile Performance and Post Performance. “Sprout’s Reports are helping us learn how to make the most of every social channel and what content types best suit our audiences’ natural experiences,” she said. “Through various tests, we’ve discovered how to boost total engagement by adding more relevant photos and videos to posts, for example.”

“Employee advocacy helps us to expand on those metrics we’re reporting on,” Traver said. “And we’re already seeing huge results from the program.”

To learn more about how Sprout can help your business achieve its goals on social, request a demo today.

The post How drove 7x ROI in 3 months of using Employee Advocacy by Sprout Social appeared first on Sprout Social.

How Plaid grew its LinkedIn audience by 60% in one year with Sprout Wed, 21 Jun 2023 13:43:20 +0000 Plaid works with fintech companies, Fortune 500 brands and large banks to make it easy for people to safely connect their financial accounts to Read more...

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Plaid works with fintech companies, Fortune 500 brands and large banks to make it easy for people to safely connect their financial accounts to the apps and services they use regularly. But the San Francisco-based company has found it difficult to help audiences—including financial institutions, developers and consumers—clearly understand how Plaid works, what it provides beyond account linking, and how its data transfer network keeps information private and secure.

Matthew McConnell, Plaid’s Social Media Lead, is tasked with increasing the brand’s social engagement to help the company overcome these challenges. And with help from Sprout Social, McConnell said Plaid is connecting with its diverse audiences much more effectively on social platforms—particularly on LinkedIn. The company has built a robust following on the network over the past year, increasing its followers by 60%—from about 70,000 to more than 131,000 as of May 2023.

Image of #PoweredByPlaid campaign post on LinkedIn

Shifting perception by providing relevant information to diverse audiences on social

McConnell explained that Plaid was “a disruptor brand” in the financial services space when it first hit the market a decade ago. It had to work hard to help consumers and financial institutions understand how open banking worked. That work is paying off: More than 12,000 financial institutions and companies now work with Plaid, and over 8,000 digital financial services have been built on its developer-friendly platform.

“Plaid has worked closely with banks to implement tools that help them combat complex issues like fraud,” McConnell explained. “We now have a robust partner network, and we’re able to highlight some of the cool use cases these apps and services can support because of Plaid. For example, some providers are helping underbanked people and those with thin credit files to build healthier financial lives.”

Plaid uses social media to help educate people, at a high level, about what Plaid does, according to McConnell. “We want to empower our followers with useful content, so they can help spread the word about Plaid,” he said. “If they’re a developer, we want to give them access to ideas for improving their app or service. For financial institutions, we want to highlight interesting use cases. If they’re consumers, we want them to understand why our technology is safe and helpful.”

Tracking multiple KPIs with Sprout to assess and improve audience engagement

McConnell said LinkedIn has emerged as an essential platform to educate audiences about how Plaid helps companies grow their businesses and deliver better user experiences. Examples of content Plaid has recently shared on LinkedIn include tips for organizations that want to get started with open finance and customer stories featured in the company’s “#PoweredbyPlaid” campaign.

LinkedIn post of Plaid's #PoweredByPlaid campaign

Sprout’s LinkedIn management tools are crucial to McConnell’s everyday work because they make it easy for him, as a team of one, to share posts, engage with followers, and track and measure content performance.
“Luckily, Plaid had implemented Sprout right before I joined the company in April 2022,” said McConnell, who started using Sprout in 2014. “I’m glad they saw the value of Sprout because the platform plays such a vital role in my day-to-day work.”

McConnell uses Sprout “to track and report on everything from reach, click throughs to Plaid’s site, lead generation, form fills, mentions and sentiment.” He explained, “I’m looking at those key performance indicators (KPIs) that span awareness, consideration and advocacy.”

Additionally, McConnell uses Sprout’s Reports to share insights with his broader team about content performance. And he makes full use of Sprout’s features to refine strategies on the fly and work more efficiently. He said his go-to tools include Listening to get a comprehensive view of certain keywords and hashtags to analyze sentiment and uncover trends on social media. He also relies on Tagging to group and categorize posts.

“Tagging in Sprout helps us know which content we’re sharing that’s performing best,” said McConnell. “And if something isn’t working well, we can dig in to understand why, and recalibrate our strategy to make sure we’re providing our diverse audiences with access to the information they want, in the way they want to consume it.”

Sprout’s integration with LinkedIn has been a huge game-changer. Being able to use Sprout to monitor and respond to comments and handle community management on LinkedIn is a lifesaver. It saves me at least 20 hours per month—and time is literally money, after all
Matthew McConnell
Social Media Lead

Expand your audience and save valuable time with Sprout

McConnell said one aspect of Sprout that he especially appreciates, in addition to providing “all the capabilities you could want,” is the company’s ability to keep its technology current. “Sprout keeps pace with rapid change in social media quite well,” he said. “Sprout makes it simple and easy to do whatever I need to do on social platforms, which are always evolving.”

Sprout is incredibly user-friendly and intuitive. In about 30 minutes, I can get someone comfortable with handling tasks on their own, like posting schedules or dealing with messages. As a team of one, it’s a relief to know I can easily hand off those responsibilities when needed.
Matthew McConnell
Social Media Lead

Sprout’s publishing, response management and productivity tools and analytics save McConnell at least 20 hours of work per month. That gives him even more time to help Plaid grow its community, and find compelling ways to educate them about the company’s mission.

Image featuring Plaid product launch on LinkedIn

Find out how Sprout Social can help your business use social platforms like LinkedIn more effectively to amplify the power of your social content, educate and engage with your target audiences, and build brand awareness to grow market share. Request your free demo today.


The post How Plaid grew its LinkedIn audience by 60% in one year with Sprout appeared first on Sprout Social.

Hudl drives all-star customer support by switching from Social Studio to Sprout Social Sun, 11 Jun 2023 14:52:56 +0000 Hudl is changing the way sports teams around the world—from youth clubs to professional teams—capture, organize, analyze and learn from film and data. Over Read more...

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Hudl is changing the way sports teams around the world—from youth clubs to professional teams—capture, organize, analyze and learn from film and data. Over 200,000 teams across more than 40 sports use Hudl’s web, app and hardware solutions for performance analysis to help their coaches and athletes prepare for play and make in-game adjustments to maintain a competitive edge.

When Hudl’s customers have questions about or issues with the company’s tech, they want answers fast—it could make all the difference in the outcome of a game. Hudl uses Salesforce Service Cloud to help agents quickly connect with customers, whether they’re contacting the company by phone, email, chatbot or @HudlSupport on X. Hudl uses the partnership between Sprout Social and Salesforce to ensure a full 360-degree customer view.

We wish we’d switched from Social Studio to Sprout Social sooner to handle our customer support. The implementation support was top-notch—the Sprout team made the process a breeze.
Jessie Koenig
Revenue Systems Administrator

Raising the bar on customer support efficiency by switching to Sprout

The need to reduce the amount of tool-hopping for Hudl agents is especially critical during peak customer usage periods, such as during the American football or basketball season. “Our customer support team may need to field between 1,000 and 2,000 support requests per day—primarily by phone, email or X,” Koenig explained.

Customer satisfaction and “speed to answer” are among the top metrics that Hudl’s customer support team uses to track their performance. Streamlining the internal experience for agents on the Salesforce platform helps them improve resolution times, reduce duplication of efforts and serve customers more effectively overall.

Koenig, whose primary responsibility at Hudl is Salesforce CRM system administration, said Hudl’s transition from Social Studio to Sprout at the beginning of 2023 was quick and easy.

“We’ve spent a lot of time over the past year moving from legacy Salesforce tools into Salesforce Flow and increasing automation in customer support,” she said. “The fact that Sprout Social is already in the Salesforce Flow workforce automation solution was huge for us. Many other integrations we’ve plugged in over the past several years are still being built on Salesforce’s legacy automation.”

“The integration between Sprout Social and Salesforce Service Cloud aligns with our goal to unify the internal experience for our customer support reps into a single platform. Instead of having agents log into multiple systems to handle calls, chats and Tweets, we want every interaction they have to happen within Salesforce Service Cloud.”

Easy-to-implement customizations to support preferred workflows

Another benefit of switching to Sprout is the fact that the solution “was very powerful right out of the box,” Koenig said. “Many vendors say their products integrate with Salesforce, but it requires an extremely heavy lift from multiple engineers to create a custom integration,” she said.

Sprout’s integration with Salesforce was quite literally plug-and-play, which is exactly what we were looking for.
Jessie Koenig
Revenue Systems Administrator

Sprout was also easy to customize, according to Koenig. “We wanted a few customizations to suit our preferred workflows, and the Sprout team was very responsive to our requests,” she said.

One customization was skills-based routing. “Depending on what channel a customer message comes through and the product type it refers to, we route the case to a specific rep,” Koenig explained. “We needed to customize the Salesforce Flow for Sprout cases so that we could easily move new cases into specific queues to reach agents with specific skills.”

Koenig said Sprout’s support team walked her through the whole process: “They explained how Sprout’s Flow works, and exactly where I could make modifications to adjust it.”

A phone screen using Hudl to capture a recording of two people playing soccer.

Accurate, actionable social data helps Hudl assemble team lineups

In the few months since Hudl implemented Sprout’s social media integration with Salesforce, Koenig said she’s heard plenty of positive feedback from the customer support team about how much their everyday work experience has improved.

“The team really appreciates the ability to use Sprout in Salesforce to scroll through X interactions just as you would online, and get all that context,” she said. “What did the customer say to this response? What was the flow of the interaction? It seems like such a simple thing, but it wasn’t easy for our reps to see all that detail when we were using Social Studio.”

Hudl’s leadership is also gaining access to accurate, actionable social data they never had before. “When you start implementing different connections to your CRM, that data can get muddy if you’re not careful,” Koenig explained. “One of our top objectives for this year is to make sure that we equip our business decision-makers with high-quality data, including social data.”

My tip for anyone transitioning from Social Studio to Sprout Social is to get ready for some great data coming into Salesforce. Your cases are going to flow through your system much better, too.
Jessie Koenig
Revenue Systems Administrator

Koenig added, “Sprout has really helped us clean up our social data, especially in terms of measuring the sheer number of interactions we have with our customers. It was very hard to measure that with our previous tool and know just how many people we were actually communicating with.”

A Tweet from Hudl that reads: Mac McClung is ready to put on a show at the #ATTSlamDunk Contest 🙌. The Tweet includes a video of Mac McClung dunking and an interview with the athlete.

That insight from Sprout is helping Hudl to create a more efficient customer support function because leadership has a better understanding of how many agents are needed, and when.

“One of the most helpful metrics we get from Sprout is volume—especially, our seasonal volume,” Koenig said. “We don’t train every rep to handle social media work. And in the past, it was very difficult for us to forecast our staffing. The reports we generate from Sprout allow us to gauge when we need to ramp up social support, and when it’s best to guide customers to self-service support and tutorials.”

Sprout’s easy implementation process can help make you an MVP

Looking back on the experience of implementing Sprout’s integration with Service Cloud, Koenig said Sprout’s “top tier” support throughout the process was invaluable. It also boosted her reputation internally.

“I took on this implementation alone at Hudl,” she said. “The way that Sprout structured the process helped me communicate to my bosses where things stood at all times. My bosses were impressed by how few resources were needed for the implementation—and that I was able to do it on my own.”

If you’d like to learn how Sprout’s Salesforce integration can help you manage all customer care from your Salesforce instance, request a personalized demo.

The post Hudl drives all-star customer support by switching from Social Studio to Sprout Social appeared first on Sprout Social.

Medallia reignites employee advocacy and sees exponential growth with Sprout Tue, 30 May 2023 20:37:49 +0000 Providing exceptional experiences across every touch point in the customer journey is mission-critical for any modern business. But mastering it is far from easy, Read more...

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Providing exceptional experiences across every touch point in the customer journey is mission-critical for any modern business. But mastering it is far from easy, especially without the right technology. That’s why companies across diverse industries—from hospitality to healthcare to financial services—rely on Medallia, Inc.’s market-leading enterprise experience platform.

Medallia Experience Cloud uses artificial intelligence and machine learning technology to track and analyze customer “signals.” Those signals can include direct and indirect feedback from surveys, reviews, contact center interactions, comments on social media, and digital behaviors on websites and apps—across the customer journey. From the insights gained, organizations can understand their audiences better and develop more engaging, personalized experiences faster.

Medallia’s technology is powerful. But until recently, the company’s efforts to use content to build brand awareness and inform and inspire audiences around the globe about the platform weren’t reaching their full potential, including on social media. One factor: The company struggled to speak to all its target audiences and verticals from one brand account, unable to offer tailored content they’d find relevant and compelling.

When Justin Herrick, Senior Manager, Content Marketing, was tapped to lead Medallia’s content strategy in early 2022, he was more than ready for the challenge. And he knew Sprout Social would be a key tool for helping them increase the impact of their content, uplevel their social media management, and amplify employee advocacy. “It was like getting the keys to the car,” Herrick said.

LinkedIn carousel post from Medallia launching a CX program

Sprout quickly clarifies what content resonates with Medallia’s customers—and doesn’t

After analyzing the historical performance of Medallia’s content and creating benchmarks to measure the impact of future efforts, Herrick and the Communications & Content team got to work using Sprout to execute their new strategy. They leveraged features like Tagging to track content performance and Premium Analytics for accelerating data collection and focusing on relevant metrics to prove the return on investment (ROI).

We’re heavy users of Premium Analytics. Getting to build custom reports and distributing them uniquely to specific stakeholders is important because not everyone needs to know everything — instead, we want to give stakeholders what they’re likely to find useful.
Justin Herrick
Senior Manager, Content Marketing

These features, along with Sprout’s enterprise-ready social listening solution, are helping Herrick and the team learn how to use content more effectively to engage with Medallia’s customers in different industries and across the five key “horizontals” where the company operates—customer experience, employee experience, contact center, digital experience and market research.

The platform has also helped them gain a clear understanding of what and how often Medallia should be posting content on social, particularly on LinkedIn, where the company has more than 100,000 followers.
“We were posting way too often,” said Herrick. “Now we only post twice a day, at most.

LinkedIn post from Medallia announcing them being a leader in the Forrester Wave report

They also learned that call-to-action (CTA) links on LinkedIn don’t deliver high-impact results when used regularly. Essentially, they’re a wasted effort without a diverse mix of other content types being shared. What does grab the eyeballs of Medallia’s customers on social media, according to Herrick, is content featuring video and imagery, which they learned by using Sprout.

Since Medallia has focused on using video and imagery more often, and more strategically, it’s seen some impressive results. That includes a year-over-year increase in video views of 174%, a nearly 50% boost in engagements, and a 39.5% uptick in engagement rate on LinkedIn. And video views on X have skyrocketed—up nearly 1,884%, year over year.

“With the insights we get from Sprout, we can say with confidence to our stakeholders, ‘If we use links, we can expect only this average number of impressions with a clear ceiling. But if we use video and imagery, we can almost guarantee X amount of impressions.’

Sprout empowers Medallia employees to post meaningful content for their connections

Employee advocacy is also helping Medallia to improve content performance and drive customer engagement in its markets worldwide. In 2022, it completely revamped its employee advocacy program, with guidance from Sprout’s professional services team. And after relaunching the program in August, Medallia increased its employee advocacy user base by nearly 45% in just two weeks.

As part of the relaunch, Medallia also re-introduced the weekly email digest that it uses to alert employees to relevant, localized content they can easily share. It didn’t have to wait long to see results. “Employee shares of content essentially doubled starting on day one,” said Herrick.

Herrick attributes this growth to the Sprout platform increasing his team’s ability to deliver more relevant content to employees in both US and international markets, and to automate the distribution of content. And he said he’s feeling confident about future growth: “This year, we’re even more focused on mobilizing our people to use their connections to get the right content in front of the right audiences. Nearly two dozen posts are shared from Advocacy by our employees each weekday on average, and we’re trying to increase that by getting more of our employees active through gamifying Advocacy with the leaderboard.”

Using Sprout to improve our employee advocacy efforts has been a game-changer because we’re now satisfying the content needs of so many groups at Medallia. Sprout also provides our regional teams with a distribution mechanism to mobilize our salespeople all around the world.
Justin Herrick
Senior Manager, Content Marketing

Working faster with Sprout Social

Herrick said he doesn’t know what his lean team would do without the timesaving features in Sprout, like Sprout’s Smart Inbox to manage messaging and identify new engagement opportunities. They’re also using Sprout to schedule and publish reports automatically in a highly readable PDF format.

We don’t have a dedicated social media manager at Medallia—and everyone on our content team needs to be a five-tool player. We need the Sprout platform to help us do more with less, from analyzing data to automating tasks like scheduling and publishing our social media content.
Justin Herrick
Senior Manager, Content Marketing

Learn how Sprout Social can help your organization understand what content will resonate best with your users—and how you can maximize employee advocacy. Request your free demo today.


The post Medallia reignites employee advocacy and sees exponential growth with Sprout appeared first on Sprout Social.
